The Director of FONA is Mr Leif Litsgård who has been working in Africa for more than 20 years together with his wife Berit and are very experienced from many large projects in Africa in cooperation of many worldwide organisations and also the cultures of Africa. He will develop the executive organisation locally with right competences and skills. (Mail us at: info@focusonafrica.se )
Our new colleague Mr Ted Holmes is Project Development Manager and will be in charge of all practical work and all our members/partners. He will also develop all FONA programs, digital platforms and media strategies. Mr. Ted Holmes have a large network/experiences of organisations, and working with aid and among young people all over Africa/worldwide.

Our second new colleague is Miss Maya NN, is Administration officer. Her role/responsibilities will be Administration as well as legal advisor in all Our projects.
Our Offices
Focus on Africa, Maputo/Mozambique/head office: Director Leif Litsgård, mail: director@focusonfrica.se
Focus on Africa, Stockholm, Sweden, Ambassador: Mr. LG Eclundh, mail: info@focusonafrica.se
International Consul: Mr. Sverker Littorin
CFO – Chief Financial Officer: Mr. Per Stenfeldt, mail: info@focusonafrica.se
Focus on Africa, Maputo, Mozambique. Project Country Manager: Mr. Ted holmes mail: info.africa@focusonafrica.se, mobile: +258 87 784 7856
Board Members
Chairman of the board: Mr. Leif Litsgård (Director and full-time voluntery within Focus on Africa)
Member of the board: Allan Ekstedt (also representative for PMU)
Member of the board: Mrs. Emelie Tiger
Member of the board: Mr. Per Stenfeldt & Mr. LG Eclundh
Deputies on the board: Mrs. Irene Ekman, Mr. Johannes Johansson, Mrs. Sandra Mohlin and Mr. Lars-Gunnar Eclundh (Ambassador of FONA)
Nominees: Hans Eriksson and Kent Deivard
Auditor/s: Bo Lindahl and Jan Polsten (Authorized)