United Missions in Africa – Good Deeds Made Simple
– Swish: (Sweden): 123 500 96 83
– IBAN: SE83 8000 0830 5500 4564 5892
– Swift: SWEDSESS.
WHY, God is calling us to “Rethink our Christian Missions Aid” – we are called to be light bearer in a dark and evil world.
Friends of Africa, Our world is drastically changing in many ways, this we can agree about. In the world there is Chaos, conflicts, different kinds of uproars and many more dramatic shifts of managing our daily routines.
At the same time Our world/climate is drastically in constant change and this affects Our daily lives in many ways. Today we are living differently, we are using internet and spending more time in front of the computer and we are able to follow things that we are interested in almost in real time. Now is the time for a big change.
During the last years have we, as well as United Nations have noticed a slow change in democracy, the democracies are slowly decreasing.
The Loss of Empathy in Society Today
The research about empathy is also alarming, the emphatic side of us as humans has decreased also, more than 40% for the last 20 years among young people.
(Link 1: Loss of emphaty in the world ),
Emphathy can be taught
Empathy, involves an ability to perceive others’ feelings (and to recognize our own emotions), to imagine why someone might be feeling a certain way, and to have concern for their welfare. Once empathy is activated, compassionate action is the most logical response. We as the people of God, should be experts in doing compassionate actions, if we lose empathy, we are no longer qualified to preach the gospel?, or.
(Link2: Why the World Needs an Empathy Revolution )
Money, the root to great evil, or good deeds
The corruption among the people, both publically as well as the greediness in the business world is dramatic. The Banksystems are collapsing and so on. We as the people of God msut act now! This is the era of “The Glory Shaking”, we need to be alert and aware of what God wants us to do, in these end times.
We as an Christian Humanitarian Aid organisation – NGO
We have tried to receive memberships as an Humanitarian Aid organisation. Just to know that Our Christian mission projects are to much focused on “Christian Values/Jesus Christ”.
It is time to be – Salt and Light, we need to speak out freedom.
“Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.
“Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:13f)
Jesus says: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life”, how do we relate to this? In the moment that we are trying to “cloth” Our Christian mission projects into the “world costumes”. The projects are losing their strength and blessings from God.
We need to rethink Our call, that is: Go out in the world and tell the Good News about the Kingdom of God…that Jesus Christ is our King, through his blood we are saved from all our sins, our transgressions and made new in Jesus Christ. Through Jesus Christ we ar saved, forgiven and are called to a new life, living in doing Good deeds, fo Gods sake and to salvation for our sisters/brothers, living in darkness, despair, without hope for tomorrow. We as Christians/followers of Jesus Christ can now change the history of this world together in Jesus Christ, his Church.
We need to be clear and truthful in these troubled times. We have to tell the world that the whole world is in the hands of the Evil. That we all are born in sin and need to be rescued/saved by Jesus Christ, the gift from our heavenly Father God to us. Since we are from the beginning created by God as Humankind. All of humanity lives in God, since we are created by him. This is the Good News, to come back to Our creator God we need to have a open way, this way is Jesus Christ, our saviour.
Article: SOLUTION for the planet Earth: The Kingdom of God / The Body of Christ/Jesus Christ Church is the solution in the last days.
Link to article: Solution for Our planet Earth is Jesus christ.
Prophetic Words for 2022 – 2023
Jesus says: “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life” and we as his followers needs to live out fo this, the truth. It is time to stop hiding the gospel of the Kingdom of God in empty liberal words without meaning. When God speaks, we need to tell Gods word clear and loudly. The reason is simple, God loves mankind, he have created each of us, both unbeliever as believers. God wants to have communion with us, he wants to talk with us, he wants to walk with us, he wants to save us, forgive our sins, give us eternal life. The Kingdom of God is rightfulness, life and joy. Everyone of us wants and needs this. NOW IS THE TIME to be Gods light, salt and tell the truth to this dark and hopeless world. This new Era ahead we call, the Era of Revelation & Mission
Many of the Prophets today have gathered indifferent networks. Each of us have searched for the will of God in our time. We can see that God wants that we put HIS Church, the Body of Christ in order now.
The Era of Revelation & Mission: The Glory Shakings – people will search for God
Many voices are prophesying shakings to come. Nations will be shaken. (See Haggai 2:6-7) This will result in a “glory shaking” or “glorious shaking” for the Body of Christ. Everything that can be shaken will be shaken, but it will result in great glory for the Kingdom of God. As the nations shake, many will come to Christ. There will be a great awakening from the great shaking, so do not be afraid in the midst of the shaking!
God is using this shaking to realign nations. Trust God! In the last season, satan was shaking the nations, but now God is going to do the shaking!
This will result is a WEALTH TRANSFER that can be used for the great harvest of the nations. Believe God to upgrade everything in your life during this time. Miracles upon miracles will manifest in the glorious shaking! This is why we reach out to you now, be a part of Gods work in a new way. Give your donations directly to the needs of the people of Africa.
During this Era of the Holy Spirit, many prodigals will come back to the Lord.
The full prophesy: Link: A Prophetic word for 2022-23
To be close and with the people we are serving we are now opening our head office (Down town), in Maputo, the capitol of Mozambique and close to the international airport.
Organisations like UN reports that we as humanitarian aid organisations need to be close to the people and being a part of a sustainable development in Africa. We need to strengthen people to be in charge of their own change to a better life and democracy.
FONA is a Swedish Humanitarian Aid NGO, non-profit international umbrella organisation. Our new strategy is that all Our work will be executed locally in Africa.
Link: Organisation of FonA
FONA VOLUNTEER PROGRAM / in search of volunteers on site.
FONA have a lot of volunteer workers within Our organisation and this program will be in focus now and developed within “FONA NetWorld”.
Link: FonA volenteer program
and more: mail to: director@focusonafrica.se
These are times when we all have to step up and ask Ourselves: Can I give a small amount to Humanitarian Aid / month for a better tomorrow. You answer is probably YES. But the next question is much harder. DO YOU WANT!
SAY YES TO “GOOD DEEDS”, this might be your biggest adventure in life. Being a partner with FONA means that you will be one of us, welcomed to come and visit us in Africa.
Link: Donations for Needs
Bank and Swish information (Sweden and International)
Swish (Sweden): 123 500 96 83
Bankgiro (Sweden): Bankgiro 102-7622 (Sparbanken i Enköping/Swedbank)
IBAN: SE83 8000 0830 5500 4564 5892
FonA declaration of faith and our common work with Lausanne Movement
Our Faith, Link: The Lausanne Covenant
Our Christian Agenda, Link: All issue Newtworks
Working with UN for Our common sustainable Social Development Goals
Focus on Africa will work close with UN and be a partner for the Goals and working actively for the UN Human Rights. Focus on Africa is also partners with ForumCiv/SIDA in Sweden.
Link: Working with UN for Our common sustainable Social development Goals
We need Givers to stand Together with us for Africa!
NEEDS – Press on the “lights” for information about Our Needs
The “traffic light” is the definitions of Our needs:
Link: Donations for Needs
Our commitment to Our Giver
FONA strives after and is focused on the following values within our organisation and in all our projects. This is a guarantee for You that we are very careful with Your gifts that you are giving us to be responsibly for:
- FONA strives to be a culture of excellence, with high standars and integrity.
- FONA strives for that We together with Our Givers, will have the opportunity of being close enough to people on site, to see and meet their needs.
- FONA strives for that We together with Our Givers, will have the opportunity of being part of something that makes a different. We are bench marketing all our projects against the UN Goals/Human Rights, once per quarter of a year.
- FONA strives for that We together with Our Givers, will give Our Givers ability to see and implement ways to economise for a better world in love and peace.
- FONA strives for that We together with Our Givers, can clearly See the result of their contributions.
Become a member of FONA now, “Good Deeds made Simple”
Read more about beeing a member of FONA on this link: http://www.focusonafrica.se/givers-gives-out-from-love/
Bank and Swish information (Sweden and International)
Swish (Sweden): 123 500 96 83
Bankgiro (Sweden): Bankgiro 102-7622 (Sparbanken i Enköping/Swedbank)
IBAN: SE83 8000 0830 5500 4564 5892
Focus on Africa – Partner Contracts is about True, Honest and Sustainable Social Business Development
Read more about beeing a member of FONA on this link: http://www.focusonafrica.se/fona-partners/http://www.focusonafrica.se/fona-partners/
FONA-NetWorlding – is Our World Wide Network to be built
We need to collaborate with common resources, help and finances, to Transform Africa now!.
FONA, together with iPromel – FBC – Focus Business Center, at iPromel in Maputo, Mozambique, starts Business Incubators to accelerate the growth of a new generation of businesspeople, that leads companies with ethical and moral rights, with the truth as weapon. This will guaranty sund economic growth and through this Decent work for the benefits of the people in Africa. (SDG 8)